Adam E. Williams | #RoadmapForSuccess
Leader. Visionary Strategist. Incisive Tactician. Entrepreneur. Old World Dreamer. New World Geek.
Stanford University’s Folding@home distributed computing project is seeking volunteers to help researchers develop treatment therapies for the novel coronavirus.
Folding@home (FAH) uses the processing capacity of networked computers to simulate the complex process of protein folding, which helps determine how to treat diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer, and SARS, another coronavirus. A brief explainer from Folding@home:
For both coronaviruses [the current 2019 nCoV and SARS], the first step of infection occurs in the lungs, when a protein on the surface of the virus binds to a receptor protein on a lung cell. This viral protein is called the spike protein … Proteins are not stagnant—they wiggle and fold and unfold to take on…