Adam E. Williams | #RoadmapForSuccess
Leader. Visionary Strategist. Incisive Tactician. Entrepreneur. Old World Dreamer. New World Geek.
A global pandemic, and all the ensuing changes it’s brought to our daily lives, have led us to rethink everything we thought we knew about work. When we do it, where we do it, how we do it – we’re revisiting everything. As remote and hybrid arrangements have become the norm over the last two years, we’re making wholesale changes to every aspect of our work lives.
It’s important to note that those changes most definitely include our plans for security fortification.
According to HealthTech Magazine, one of the key trends to watch in the years ahead will be the rise of secure access service edge (SASE) technology. The reason for this development is clear – organizations have a need to balance access with security. With so many people looking to access and share data from different endpoints, they need a seamless way of doing so remotely, but they also don’t want to expose the organization to a potential data breach. SASE represents a compromise. It allows users to quickly access important files while also not exposing those files to outsiders.
What’s interesting about SASE is that it throws out the old paradigm. In the old days, users’ access to data depended on their location; now, it’s about identity. A good SASE infrastructure is one that verifies every user’s identity and allows them to access data if and only if they have authorization to do so. It’s simple, yet effective, which is why Gartner predicts that 40% of all organizations will have an explicit SASE strategy by 2024.
Let’s take a look at a few key aspects of an effective SASE strategy: